Accord’s Library

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This branch has been TERMINATED.

Dearest Recorders and Observers of Accord's Library.

These past few years have been a pleasure, but we regret to inform you all that we've been contacted by the Square Enix's Legal Team. And after some private communications, based on the outlined requirements we have come to the conclusion that Accord's Library must close its doors. While we are sad to have to go, we also must respect the wishes of the Legal Team.

We hope to continue spending time with you all, and other fans in the future through our Discord server, which we are keeping opened.

On behalf of the entire Council for Accord's Library, we sincerely thank you for your support and friendship over the years. We hope that you will continue to use the Discord, though we understand if this is where we part ways.

From the very bottom of our hearts, we will be forever grateful to everyone who's volunteered their time to help build Accord's Library into what it was. Thank you to all of our Transcribers, Translators, and most of all, all of you for sticking with us. Take care of yourselves out there.

Glory to Mankind.

— The Accord's Library Council


We still own the domain name until July 2025 so we were thinking about hosting this memorial page until then.

If there is any message, tweet, or artworks you would like to share here you can submit it on our Discord server on the #memorial channel.

Artworks can be anything DrakeNieR / Yoko Taro related (although we think would be quite fitting to give Accord some love). If you submit a message or an artwork, please indicate what name you want to be credited under and optionally a link to your social page or blog.
Submission by potato

Goodbye Accord's Library

Thank you to those who worked hard to organize the website. I was able to learn so much about the world that I love! I'm still a new artist, so this piece is quite rough, but I put a lot of love into drawing it. In the future when I'm a much better artist, I'd love to redraw it


The series of NieR and Drag-On Dragoon (Drakengard) was a niche, but thanks to all the fans who supported us, we were able to make it this far. Once again, please convey my thanks to all of you. Thank you very much.


merci pour votre travail acharné de préservation, merci d'avoir pu rendre accessible l'univers de Yoko Taro. merci pour tout. ❤️

Thank you for your relentless archiving efforts. Thank you for making Yoko Taro's world more accessible. Thank you for everything ❤️


I started playing because of 2B. I kept on going because of the amazing characters, story, and music. Now I love this world even more because of this awesome community. Thank you 🙏


Eu comecei com os jogos graças a SINoALICE, se não tivesse sido por ele e por um amigo, que me recomendou Automata por ser do mesmo diretor, eu nunca teria conhecido o que hoje em dia é a minha franquia favorita. Muito Obrigado por terem me ajudado a encontrar tantas coisas que eu nunca saberia que existiam

I started playing Yoko Taro's games through SINoALICE, if not for it and a friend, recommending Automata bcs both were from the same director, I'd have never discovered what today is my favorite franchise. Thank you for helping me find things I'd have never found on my own


As an angsty teen I picked up a game called Drakengard on a whim because oooh dragon and fire on the cover, not knowing just how hooked I would be. Now an angsty 30-something year old I'm still following the series with Nier, praying for any connection to the edgy dragon. Accord's Library was the closest to it all coming full circle and this community kept the fire in my heart alive making me feel like that teenager again. Thank you 🫶🏼


The NieR series is incredibly important to me, ever since Automata changed my life years ago. Accord's Library let me appreciate the series on a new level. You guys accomplished something wonderful, and your contribution to this community is cherished. Thank you.


Thank you for making it easier for me to share something I care deeply about, with those I care for deeply.


Although Accord's Library was very short lived for myself having discovered it a tad too late, I think the dedication put into it speaks for itself. It served as an expansive database similar to something you'd expect to find within the games and with that being said, it definitely lived up to its name.


Although I only joined the community recently, I played Automata back when it came out and became absolutely obsessed. Years later, a few months ago I was watching a video essay and they kept talking about so much lore that wasn’t explained in the game. Then I searched up Nier lore, and was brought to Accords Library. This website let me fall in love with the Nier games all over again, the concert scripts and novellas for Automata, along with Replicants extra content just made me obsess over the world (ESPECIALLY THE LOVE STORY BETWEEN 2B AND 9S). I decided to replay the Automata and finished all three routes in about a weekend. I played almost non-stop, and with the complete context of the story, I was able to adore and notice so many more intricacies and hidden details inside Yoko Taro’s wonderful little world. All of the lore I thought was never explained, was just not directly. As indirectly as you can get I swear-. But I digress, Accords library completely changed my view of the story, and I can’t thank you all enough for making such an incredible resource for fans of the series. You introduced me to Drakengard, finally got me to play replicant and about 2 weeks ago I finished drag on dragoon. So in the end, all I can say is thank you so very much! This project was absolutely wonderful.


I started playing the NieR and Drakengard games around the time SE announced Automata's release. I have been listening to the games soundtrack since about 5 years even prior to that. The work Accord's Library has put into compiling lore and records of this series is absolutely incredible. It is truly a tragedy that we must see it go. Perhaps, one day, many years from now Accord's Library may be restored. Thank you for all your efforts.
-may we meet in the next timeline-

—[HHG] LimeRi

NieR entered my life after I decided to give this silly android game a shot one day, and ever since then it has been a major part of my daily thoughts. Almost everyday I spend a good amount of time watching NieR communities to discuss this beautiful franchise, and somehow after half a decade I have yet to lose a single bit of interest or love I held for the series when it first stole my heart. Accord's Library was nothing short of a fantastic project with clearly immense amounts of love and effort poured into it. I thank the administrators for their hard work, and pray that the Library may one day have a chance to be rebuilt.


here's my story. its crazy but i didnt get into drakenier until 2021. i played all of drakengard but then didnt play nier until 1.22 came out. I dont think most people remember how this all came to be so ill just talk about it. around july 2021 after I played all of drakengard, I was really interested in the artworks but I was frusterated basically nothing was online, any scans online were low quality and just not up to my standards. thats when I began to do something, I wanted to scan and archive the drakengard books, basically just for myself but share them to others in the process, so I bought a scanner and started doing all that. While posting them on twitter, Mint noticed my tweets and replied to me, asking me if I would be interested in joining an archival project. I thought it was so much better than posting everything on twitter so I was immediately on board. That's basically when everything became a reality. To me, I didn't really think we would get THIS huge. I underestimated everything even up until now, I just thought this was a silly project to do on my free time, but yea, we made it. With our impact we were able to accomplish things I never even thought was possible, such as getting people to translate the drakengard novels. It was a dream of mine to be able to read dod1.3 back then.

Aside from the AL origin story. This community was kinda the best thing to ever happen to me. i've met so many great friends and people, some of who are now some of my best friends beyond drakenier. Drakengard has just had such a unique impact on my life as well. Drakengard was my first tattoo, and now with my scanning skills I'm able to do other franchises I love as well. Being said, between the 3 years this project started I've also been starting my career so I got pretty busy this last year and haven't done much work but, I'm still glad to be here in the community. Earlier this year I went out for dinner with some other AL members and it was a blast to talk about Weird Drakengard Merch, and I'm excited to go to the next one in November

Being said, due to the shut down, I'm gonna be disconnecting from the series and community. But I'm glad that what happened the last 3 years, happened. Life moves on. There's some other franchises I want to scan so I'll probably be doing that instead.

So thank you everybody for everything the last 3 years, it was really cool.


I played the Automata demo and something about the blend of hack n slash, fat android ass and that S tier soundtrack enraptured me, left me thinking about it for a week straight until I saved up enough of my lunch money to buy the full game. Three whole weeks of Easter Break 2017 were spent glued to my ps4, I easily dumped 200 straight hours into the game getting all the endings, reading through all the weapon stories and completing every last side quest. After finishing ending E, I was left empty and yearning for more, so I searched for more lore and fell down a rabbit hole where I learned that it was a sequel to another game series, Drakengard, and that there was tons of extra lore left to keep me sated for a long while. And all of it was archived in a single handy website, with translations of every last obscure story in Yoko Taro’s bizarre but intriguing verse. It’s heart breaking to see it all go but there is always hope of it being copied and rebuilt later - like the DrakeNieR games have taught us, no matter how fortuitous and heart wrenching life can be, there will always be a ray of hope, shining through the darkness


I only really found out about Accord's Library a month or so before the announcement was made that it would be shut down. It is sad to see this extremely valuable resource go, as I have yet to read up on everything Yoko Taro has to offer. I hope Square Enix will, someday, rethink their decision and make Yoko's work available in Western territories, considering how the DrakeNier series is split across multiple mediums, many of which are inaccessible outside Japan.


شكرأ على كل جهودكم الهائلة التي لن تنسى أبداً. و ستبقى ذكراها حية عبر المجتمع الجميل.

المجد للبشرية.. و لمكتبة أكورد.

Thank you for all your tremendous efforts which will never be forgotten and will continue to live on through the beautiful community.

Glory to Mankind.. and to Accord’s Library.


I was happy to see an archive full of others who loved the franchise just as much as I did,it made me happy to see that others have taken the time to translate all the scripts and connect every single little details as well,im glad I wasnt the only one. It was amazing to see all the artwork and content,especially ones that were really hard to get. Sad to see it go,thank you for making something that even the artists themselves appreciated.

Submission by RockerReplicant

this was a drawing I did as a tribute for the 10th/20th Anniversary,that I never got to submit to the website. hope its clear enough but I thought it would be a nice gift for the collection we made


this series has genuinely changed the trajectory of my life, lmao. I found Automata at like, one of the worst times in my life. i was deeply lonely and incredibly misguided. people generally refer to automata and the drakenier series in general as "depressing" but, i think its far from it.

The core messaging of this series, to me, is that no matter how disgusting, and bleak, and evil the people of this world can be. no matter how pointless existence may seem. no matter what others may decide what is human and what isnt. no matter how unfair, and cruel this world is. life is a gift. and even if others have tried to ruin that gift, its still yours. no one can take it from you no matter how hard they try.

Im grateful for the incredible efforts, made by the wonderful people behind AL. for being a resource for me to so deeply explore this series that i feel has given me a new lease on life. i hope you know that despite how things turned out. no one can take away what this project meant to us


As a company, we cannot overlook copyright infringement, but it is not our intention to suppress healthy fan activities. We hope you will continue to patronize our works.


I have to thank a lot those who have been behind this project. I found out about it more or less last year, one of those times when I decide to enter the "rabbit holes" that exist on the Internet, and I came across the site.

Thanks to that, I discovered the Drakengard/Nier saga, and I was amazed by it, and although I haven't had the opportunity to have any official product in my hands, it became one of my favorite franchises and one of the ones I value the most. Despite the great content that we miss due to market borders.

It saddens me greatly that the project that allowed me to get to know one of the works of fiction that I love the most ceased to exist so soon and that I really didn't have time to get to know them before that news happened. I hope that projects like these expand the borders that limit us from getting to know the works that we are missing. You don't know how grateful I am to the team behind the Accord Library. I wish them luck in the future and I hope that everything goes well for them in their lives. Thank you for this opportunity that you gave me.


The Nier franchise has held significant meaning to me for many years. My heart aches for Accord's Library but I want to give my thanks to everyone who helped make the site an enormous and enjoyable experience of information. I'll miss you dearly.


In a world where cultural products are being aggressively monetized by greedy corporations, who don't care about the deeper and intangible aspects of their intellectual properties, initiatives like Accord's Library are worth their weight in gold. You are the beating heart of the DrakeNier fandom, and your site was a reflection of that. It was thanks to your hard work collecting and archiving the works of Yoko Taro (and Koda Kazuma, Keiichi Okabe, and others) that people from all over the world (especially outside of Japan) were able to get a detailed look at this vast and beautiful world. Which is especially important considering how fragmented the lore can be and the fact that not all of the material is available to fans who don't know Japanese. Over the past few years, you have painstakingly and dedicatedly collected and translated a ton of material, giving fans a unique opportunity to get a detailed look at this beautiful mosaic.

Not many people put so much heart into their hobby, so it's hard not to appreciate something like this. Especially for me, because I'm a huge fan of the creations of Yoko Taro's mind (with my favorite and most beloved Nier: Automata at the forefront). These works are not only a great source of entertainment, but also touch the most sensitive chords of the soul, making us reflect on many important topics, such as the meaning of our existence, our place on Earth and relationships with loved ones. Using places like your website, I was able to comprehensively familiarize myself with the nuances of my beloved universe.

And for all this, I thank you very much. Team Accord's Library, you are wonderful! ❤️

—2B or not 2B

this series has been so important to me during my formative years. my introduction to it was with DOD2 (not during release but somewhere in between, i mustve been about 11yo) and then DOD3 i played on release in 2013 (17yo now). it took a couple of years for me to learn about Nier and how it is connected to Drakengard. then i played both Niers kinda recently, those 3 games are my proudest platinum trophies! never once a dull moment with them. even though DOD3 is kinda considered a "bad" game, it probably is my favourite with replicant right behind

yet i still didnt know just how BIG the universe really is until i found accord's library, i believe it was last year as i was playing both Niers and boy, something that used to be just a little kids obsession (DOD2 and 3) became so much more. it makes me really happy to see how dedicated this community is and has always been, i learn about the universe a bit more each day! i only wish i found out more about it on the internet sooner, so i'm still in my journey of consuming everything i can and the library def has made it more possible and accessible

thank you everyone for all the hard work, the library may not be up anymore but the experience, and all the things learned wont be forgotten


during this summer, i was forced to quit a toxic workplace. while figuring out what to do in my free time, i finally dusted (metaphorically) the copy of automata that i had bought years ago. of course this naturally led to me playing replicant and watching a playthrough of reincarnation.

nier has quickly become a series near and dear to my heart, and while i delved into the incredible lore of this series, accord's library helped me piece together the story - not only for myself, but to describe to my friends.

thank you for everything that you've put your blood, sweat, and tears into for all these years, and for loving the series just as much as all of us did too <3


Last few hours of Accord's Library. It's unfortunate that an archival site dies and we lose so much information about the past. Information that most of us wouldn't have access otherwise.

I only learned about it when the closure was announced, and after seeing so many other initiatives I liked getting closed down, it makes me hate these disgusting companies even more.

Goodbye, AL. You'll be missed...
Thanks to everyone who worked hard for it, despite one company bringing down so much information...

—Yukito Nakamura

A little backstory...My Wife is Japanese and she would read me all the stories that only existed in Japanese.
She was so excited I discovered Accord's Library as she no longer wanted to finish the twisted Shi ni Itaru Aka series.
As much as it pains me to lose access to a central repository of everything DrakeNier, it probably pains her more to know her skills will be have to be used once again.
Thank you everyone for your hard work, my Wife and I greatly appreciated all the efforts spent into translating DrakeNier content.
Thank you, Yoko Taro, for all the emotional damage (and joy) you have brought me and indirectly forced onto my Wife 🙂


I got into NieR with Automata sometime around October of 2022. A few weeks later, I had finished Replicant ver.1.22... It changed my life.
I've begun the steps to creating my own video games, wishing to inspire people as I was inspired with NieR. I spent hundreds of hours looking into everything I could find about the series, stumbling into "Drakengard" and "Re[in]carnation" along the way.
Without the website, I don't think I would've been here. In lieu of grieving, I've found myself being grateful that AL had ever existed at all. It was a truly wonderful project by some truly wonderful people.
Thank you for your hard work, and you will always be appreciated. You've inspired countless people to become archivers and continue the legacy!


I first found out about NieR via Automata via its demo, to which I followed it to its release in February 2017 and beyond. When it first released I didn’t have the means to play it at the time, so I could only get by via watching streamed walkthroughs of it on YouTube. The moment I watched ending E was when I took my first steps into both writing NieR fanfic and following the series. When I finally got the ability to play Automata around ten months later, it only reinforced my love for the game and series more. Though I did end up leaving the fandom for a time I never forgot it, and witnessing the finale of Reincarnation’s Sun & Moon arc encouraged me to return to NieR once again.

The series has inspired me to continue my writing and meet some pretty cool friends – and it definitely wouldn’t have been possible without all of you amazing people who worked on AL. Thank you all so much for everything you’ve done – your hard work was not in vain, and you should all be proud of yourselves for having created such a wonderful place to share DrakeNieR’s lore to the world.

Submission by FlowerPod

I know I may have shared this around, but I would like to submit this art to the memorial as well. It’s a small thing, but I thought it would be a nice gift for it.


I got into NieR with Gestalt years ago. I thought I was pretty deep in the franchise for years, but when I discovered Accord's Library it helped me realize just how much I'd barely scratched the surface. It's heartbreaking to see it all go. There was still a lot I wanted to see that simply isn't accessible otherwise. But thank you to the Library and its team - You did some absolutely incredible work. On to the next branch's archival :]

Submission by Vess


NieR entered in my life with Automata at the start of 2021 while I was living what was going to be the worst time of my life. Everything around me was falling appart, I was feeling incredibly alone and I was spending most of my days dissociating. Actually, the rare memories I have of this period where the ones where I was playing Automata because it was the thing which allowed me to forget for a little time what I was going through. In the mean time, I discovered that before Automata there was Replicant and Gestalt so I decided, while playing Automata, to watch a let's play of Gestalt and later of DoD1 and DoD3. Then in 2023 I was finally able to start Re[in]carnation (I couldn't before because my phone wasn't compatible) and at the same time I also got closer of the community through Discord where I've made friends :]
In any case, the universe of Yoko Taro was always here for me when life felt harder for me and I thanks Accord's Library to permit me to dig deeper in this world.

To finish I wanted to draw something but I didn't have the time so enjoy this Accord I've made for the end of NieR Automata anime.

Submission by Yuki


I'm disheartened to see such a wonderful resource made by passionate fans be shut down. But I'm happy that it was still able to reach so many of us. I appreciate all the hard work the team put into the Library and hope that future endeavors are fruitful. From this humble Observer, you have my thanks.


Farewell, Accord’s Library. I hope to see you again someday, but until then I’d like to say, thank you for everything!

Submission by @bingqiux


See You Accord's Library,
Someday, Somewhere...


Thank you Accord's Library. This website really helped me as a new fan and an artist even if I discovered this website on it's remaining times.♡

Submission by Vish/Theia


Thank you. I don’t know how many days and nights I spent here. I enjoyed flipping through the pages page after page to explore the Yoko universe. Love comes from China.谢谢!❥(^_-)


ceoofcapitalism converted me into a DrakeNieR fan and i couldn't have asked for a more insane community thanks, Accord's Library, i may or may not send a second message here, but at least i was able to steal a bunch of concept art to use for practicing drawing
